Mufferaw (Starter Quest)
Location: Silvest Carpentry Shop Reward: 3750 Experience
The quest starts at the carpentry shop in Silvest located in the top left corner of town, speak with Mufferaw, he will give you a lumberjacking axe and ask you to gather him 25 Logs, venture up above him and Trees you see in the woods you can click the axe and use on the tree to gather logs, once you have 25 logs return to Mufferaw in Silvest, now he will provide you a Saw to mill the logs into planks and ask you to bring back a plank for him, Once you have made one plank from the logs return to Mufferaw and he will give you a set of Carpenters Tools and ask you to create an item, Use the carpentry Tools on the Planks, you can craft any item by clicking the tools and using them on the planks, once you have crafted an item return back to Mufferaw and the quest will be complete.